Monday, April 22, 2013

Week 8 : I Hate Writing

For my school work, my mom makes me complete one blog a week. It is really hard for me because I am horrible at coming up with topic that might interest people. For instance, it took me an hour to think of this topic. It is also really hard for me to think of how to write the opening sentence. My mom says that the opening sentence is one of the most important parts of writing something too, so I have to rewrite it if she doesn't like it.

I struggle with getting myself to actually write because it is so boring! Writing is one of my least favorite things to do, especially blogging for school work. I really like to write stories though, because then you get to use your creativity. I guess you can sort of use your creativity through blogging, but not the kind I do. Hopefully next week I will have a better and more well thought out post up. 

Thanks for reading!
Stay tuned for new posts every Friday!  
~Sara~ :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Week : 7 High Bridge State Park

This past weekend, my best friend, her family, and I all went to High Bridge Trail State Park. High Bridge is located in Farmville Virginia. The bridge is 2,400 feet long and 160 feet high at the highest point. It was built in 1854 over the Appomattox River to connect Petersburg to Lynchburg. It was originally a railroad bridge. The last train to go over the bridge was on October 26th, 2004. And the bridge is now accessible to pedestrians, bike riders, and horseback riders. 
A photo I took on one of the look out points! :)

It was different than most state parks I have visited. We could hear Spring Peepers, which let us know Spring is on the way. The view was really amazing because you were over the tops of the trees so you could see for miles. I really enjoyed this trip, it was an exciting and different experience!

Half way down the bridge! :)
At a look out point! :)

Thanks for reading! :) Stay tuned for a new post every Friday! 


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Week 6: Play Doh Relief Map

In my homeschool geography co-op, which meets every other Tuesday, we use a program called Visual World Geography. It uses a technique called pictography. We are learning about the area called the Balkans. It is a very difficult area to memorize, with the pictogrophy technique it isn't. Another way we used to memorize is making a relief map. 
My Relief Map! :)

We made the relief maps by getting a large piece of flattened cardboard. We then traced the outline of the countries. We filled the outline in with play doh, and numbered them. Numbering  is very important so you can tell which country is which. This leads to the next step which is making a key. Numbering the map is pointless with out a key. My key is below for an example. These relief maps were actually pretty fun to make, mainly because we got to with play doh!

Make Sure to Number all the countries!

My Key

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for new posts every Friday! :) 

Friday, January 25, 2013

Week 5: Hiking Mary's Rock

This past week my family, some friends and I hiked Mary's Rock. Mary's Rock is part of the Shenandoah Mountains. The Shenandoah Mountains are also know as the Blue Ridge Mountains because they look blue from a distance.
Blue Ridge Mountains!! (:

Though the Shenandoah Mountains may not be the tallest mountains out there, they are part of the Appalachian Mountains, which are the oldest mountains in the world!

Even though I thought the hike was very hard, it was well worth it when we got to the top. 3.5 miles  For most of the hike up the ground was covered in snow and ice which made it treacherous and very difficult.
You can see all the snow and ice in this picture!

There was no snow on the top though because it was so sunny and warm. It got up to 70 degrees! I almost slipped two times but I caught myself both times. It would not have been good if I had slipped and fallen. I might have fallen off the mountain. I hope to go back eventually. :) 

We found a cool little rock seat on the way up!

Stay tuned for more posts every Friday.  

Friday, January 11, 2013

Week 4: 2013!

Have you started your new years resolution yet? I don't normally have a new years resolution, besides going to the gym more, but most people do that. I have two resolutions that I really want to do. One is to stop cracking my neck, boring, but I need to because I have been getting really bad neck pains. Two is, get a glass jar and every time a good thing happens during the year, write what it was and put it in the jar. Then at the end of the year you get to read all of them, and remember all the good things that happened in that year. I haven't started it yet.... but I will today.

On December 31st my friend came over and we made a bucket list for 2013. I don't think she will finish hers because she put some really unrealistic things on it. I tried to keep mine short. I also wanted to make it challenging but not impossible. I put things like; paint my room, have a snowball fight, go to the beach, get 100 subscribers on my Youtube channel, make some new friends, go to camp, do a 5k, do the middle splits, make this an awesome year, turn 14, and lots more. The only ones that would be somewhat difficult are to get 100 subscribers, because I have 0 right now,
do the middle splits, because I can only do the side splits, and have a snowball fight.
 I know that having a snowball fight seems really easy, but it is not because where I live we don't get much snow. I really hope to stick to my new years resolutions, and finish my bucket list! :)

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more posts every Friday. :)


Friday, December 14, 2012

Week 3: Dubstep

Week 3. Dubstep is one of my favorite types of music. It is not really like any other genre of music. Some people say that Dubstep is not "music". I know a lot of people who think it all sounds the same. I think some of it sounds alike but most of it sounds different. Some of my favorite Dubstep artists are; Bassnectar, Skrillex, Deadmau5, and Justice. They all have different styles of Dubstep but I really like them.

Dubstep creators are all DJ's which is why people say it is not music. The musicians have to be really talented to create Dubstep, because they have to know how to use all the equipment.  Some times the DJ's go "free style" which takes lots of skill. They all have to have a good ear for what sounds go together. This is probably my favorite dubstep song out there. . I like it because it is very catchy, and it makes you wanna get up and dance.

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for posts every Friday

~Sara~ :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Week 2: Christmas

 Week 2. Do you get as excited as me when it comes to the topic Christmas? I start to get excited about Christmas in November because Christmas is my favorite holiday! My favorite things about Christmas are definitely decorating, and the presents.  It takes me a while to pick out what I am going to get each of my family members, I have to think it through a lot.

 I have only bought one present so far. In my family we do a secret Santa kind of thing. This year instead of keeping it a secret we decided we would just get a bigger present for that person. We decided to make the maximum price $10 because only one of us has a job and we have to make the money. Everyone else will get a present for around $3 from me. 

 Decorating is my favorite part about Christmas. This year my friend Becca and I set up and decorated our whole living space, while listening to the Frank Sinatra Christmas album. ;) I also decorated my door with paper snowmen, Santa, presents, and other christmasy things. It was so much fun! I can't wait for Christmas to come!

~Sara~ :) 

Stay Tuned for posts every Friday :P

My dog loves our Christmas tree.

This is my favorite Christmas ornament.

Our "Charlie Brown" Christmas tree. :)